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The Project:

Open an account in, a free online social bookmarking site. Pick a focus area and find some great sites with good contemporary art images on the web that relate to your focus area. Using bookmark links to the contemporary art examples you find on the web. Your bookmarks are available to you anytime, anywhere, from any networked computer or mobile device (iPad or smart phone). Publish your bookmarks (make them viewable by others). Disseminate your research and see the research of your classmates. The idea here is both “curating” great source material for easy access and sharing your work with like-minded professionals.


My Answer:

In the interest of exploring the topic of visual culture for the modern art education curriculum, I have created a collection of resources to help research presented through the online resource My primary focus is not only visual culture, but specifically exploring the “culture” within this term. I feel that the culture aspect, not only in visual culture or even art education, but in our every day lives gets left out. Or rather, not fully comprehended. Within this research I hope to bring a broadened understanding to the term culture, and how it applies to visual culture, art, art education, and every one of our lives, every day.



Link to collection:







PDF for Resource Information:

Visual Culture in Art:

Understanding the Culture



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